Lung Detoxification
Lung detoxification is a growing trend as people become more aware of the dangers of smoking and the terrible effects it can have on your lungs. Problems such as emphysema, chronic bronchitis, throat infections, strokes, heart attacks and of course the biggest danger… Lung cancer. If you have been smoking for just a year or more you have massively increased your chances of succumbing to these problems in fact as the tar and chemicals you breathe in are very difficult for the body to remove without added help. Once you remove the toxins and tar however the reduce these risks dramatically and you will be able to feel the difference as you breath.
As such here are 3 lung detoxification tips that can help you clean up your lungs to avoid becoming another health statistic.
Quit Smoking – Just in case you are still smoking and reading this you can not begin to clean out your lungs of tar and carcinogens if you continue to smoke. You must completely kick the cigarette addiction before you can do any real lasting actions to detox your lungs. However detoxifying your lungs can help you quit smoking if you do both at the same time. There are many methods for this but if you understand your mental addiction to smoking then cold turkey is the best way to go.
Breathing Exercises – Your lungs have hardened over time due to the tar that seeps into the lung tissue. Further inactivity by many smokers further weaken this essential organ because exercise is more difficult with tar filled lungs. Taking time every day to do simply breathing exercises can expand the lungs which allows more oxygen into your system. Try breathing in and holding that breath then breathing out for a few minutes. Then try breathing out as far as you can go before breathing in again to focus on the other extreme. IF you get dizzy and light headed do stop though. Start slowly then build on your results.
Boost Your Immune System – Your immune system is desperately trying to clean your lungs but is blocked by the layer of tar most of the time leaving the problem particles and chemicals sitting in your lungs for years. The better your body is at cleaning itself the faster those dangerous toxins can be ejected from your system. A big part of lung detoxification is improving your lifestyle to increase your body’s natural defences. This involves exercise, nutrition and rest as well as a deep understanding of your mental state that can boost your physical resistances. There are also detoxification herbs and detoxification diets that can speed this process along.