Herbs For Hardening of the Arteries
Hardening of the arteries is a dangerous condition in which the space inside the artery (the lumen) starts to narrow due to the accumulation of cholesterol laden plaque deposits. As these plaque deposits build over time a layer of calcium and/or fibrous tissue may start to form leading to the common condition known as hardening of the arteries. The question we pose is can herbs for hardening of the arteries reverse, halt, or neutralize this dangerous condition?
There is good evidence to suggest the answer is yes, at least according to research conducted at the University of Texas Health Center at Houston. The study looked at a number of herbal remedies for heart and artery health purchased locally at a well respected local health store and what they found was that these herbs for hardening of the arteries were very effective at delivering nitric oxide to the body. Nitric oxide lowers blood pressure by relaxing or dilating large blood vessels. The result of higher nitric oxide levels was ultimately an improvement in overall blood flow to the heart. Additionally, and just as important to our investigation into herbs for hardening arteries, was the finding that herbs can prevent plaque buildup and the formation of clots in the arteries.
Next why don’t we move on and identify specific names of herbs for hardening arteries.
Hawthorn: Hawthorne is one of the best known and most widely used herbs for hardening arteries and heart disease. It is derived from a small shrub like tree that grows throughout the northern hemisphere. Hawthorne has been shown to increase the amount of blood flowing through narrowed arteries and increase the strength of the arteries, thus reducing the chances of a heart attack or stroke. Other benefits related to heart health but not necessarily hardening of the arteries are: improvement in the contractibility of the heart muscle, increased cardiac output and performance, reduction in the hearts workload, as well as increasing the hearts ability to cope with oxygen deficiency in times of stress or excitement. Hawthorne when taken as a herb for hardening arteries is quite safe and will not interfere with other medications, according to the official European Community monograph (ESOP). An additional benefit is that it can help with anxiety as well.
Garlic: Perhaps the most well known, and easily acquired, of our herbs for hardening arteries is garlic. Research has shown that garlic decreases serum cholesterol levels up to 10 percent when one clove or more is consumed on a regular basis.
Red yeast rice: Red yeast ride is one of the oldest Chinese herbs and has been used for centuries in the practice of Chinese herbal medicine. It is also considered to be one of the best herbs for hardening arteries due to its statin drug like qualities. Red yeast rice has been shown to lower overall cholesterol, raise good cholesterol, and lower bad cholesterol levels. There is also some evidence to suggest that it may aid the body in reducing existing artery clogging plaque deposits.
Other herbs for hardening arteries and heart health worth investigating further are: bilberry, cayenne, chamomile, ginkgo, and rosemary.