Posts Tagged 'stress'

Control Stress

Thursday, June 17th, 2010 No Commented
Under: Mental health

When you ask ‘How can I control Stress?’ in part because we’ve already discussed how it can affect your health, this won’t do anything to help with stress. You can tell a smoker that he or she could contract lung cancer or COPD, but that won’t make them stop. Indeed, so far as stress is concerned, it could make matters even worse.
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It could give you other stressors to worry about.
“This job’s causing me so much stress, and now I’m going to die of a heart attack.”

So we must bring your stress index way down. Bring out the old pen and paper again. Let’s assume that your job is causing you a great deal of stress, more every day. They’re piling work on you that you simply can’t cope with because there’s just too much. Write this down.

Reason for Stress. Unacceptable level of work.


  • Keep going as I am.
  • Hand in resignation.
  • Go to the boss, tell him or her that I can’t keep up.
  • Risk. Being fired.
  • Alternative. Inevitable crack-up. Burnout.

Obvious answer, go to boss.

You have to ask yourself the question. Am I really stressed over the amount of work they’re piling on to me, or am I scared stiff of being fired? Is this the deeper reason? The problem is that it’s now at the stage where you’re bringing goodness knows how much work home in an effort to catch up. Ever thought that the more you do, the more they pile on you, because they think you’re managing well?

In the final analysis, whichever way the cat jumps, a stop must be put to this, or you’re going to end up a physical and mental wreck. And this business of firing you. Do you know this for a fact? Have you proof of their action in this respect? Or do you simply imagine they will? It’s 99.9% certain that you simply think they will.

But by writing things out in this way, it’s amazing how you can reach logical conclusions that can brook no argument.

Tell them that you’ve been taking work home with you and coming in early in an effort to catch up, and it’s almost certain that they’ll be very surprised and perhaps scold you for not speaking out sooner. Frankly, if they do fire you, then they aren’t worth working for anyway. But either way, slip out from under before something very serious happens to you.

People become stressed over different things. What affects one person badly, won’t even phase another. Relaxation is vitally important, and it comes in many forms. If you’re a reader, read. If an athlete, go to the gym. But if you find that stress is interfering even with your relaxation, then something must be done about it. Don’t procrastinate and don’t run to the pill bottle.

If you can do something about the stressor, do it. If there’s nothing you can do, then Let it go

Stress May Increase Susceptibility to Infections

Thursday, May 27th, 2010 No Commented
Under: Critical Care

When attacked by bacteria or viruses, the healthy body mobilizes its navy, air force, army, and marines so quickly that no infection occurs. These armed forces consist of lymph cells, white blood cells, antibodies, or globulins, which are ineffective without a co-worker, the complement. The viruses, and their toxins by engulfing and digesting them with the aid of enzymes or by combining with them, causing them to settle out, or by other means. An adequate diet can quickly increase all of these defenses even after an infection gets a foothold provided various nutrients are given in generous amounts the minute the first symptoms appear. The body’s armed forces are identical regardless of the location of the infection or the types of viruses or bacteria involved. Because a physician is rarely consulted until illness is advanced, each individual should know the immediate steps to take to fight an infection.
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The Effect of Stress

The adrenal hormone DOC is so completely held in check by the excessive amounts of cortisone produced during stress that the body often cannot protect itself and infections may become rampant, as they frequently do when cortisone medication is given. If the adrenals are too exhausted to produce an adequate amount of cortisone, however, DOC is not sufficiently held in check, and lymph glands, such as the tonsils and adenoids, become enlarged; the white blood count soars; and inflammation at the point of the infection is marked by redness, swelling, pain, and fever. When one is under stress, therefore, whether too much or too little cortisone is being produced, the body becomes susceptible to infections.

During most infections, too little aldosterone can be produced, sodium is lost from the body, cells become more permeable, or sieve like, and water accumulates in the inflamed area, increasing the swelling and pain. After the blood sodium has thus been replaced, swelling often goes down in a few moments and other symptoms disappear.

The lymph glands produce antibodies to fight infections. If cortisone is being synthesized normally, the proteins in these glands are broken down and the glands shrivel during the stresses that have preceded and are imposed by the bacterial or viral attack. Swollen lymph glands, such as those under the chin and behind the ears, or enlarged tonsils or adenoids always show that cortisone is not being produced in adequate amounts. Although the swollen glands are trying to fight the infection, the defense mechanisms are weak at the very time they are needed most. To recover from an infection, therefore, the first step must be to stimulate adrenal function.

Since pantothenic acid is essential for cortisone production, low resistance to spontaneous infections is the first sign of an under supply of pantothenic acids Infections appear long before other deficiency symptoms can be detected and more quickly than if any other nutrient were missing.’ Animals even mildly deficient in pantothenic acid or vitamin B6 show an immediate marked reduction in antibodies, complement, and white blood cells; and if “vaccinated,” immunity is not increased. Some strains of rats-and also certain families or individuals–require many times more pantothenic acid than others and are far more harmed by a deficiency.
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In volunteers lacking pantothenic acid and vitamin B6, so few antibodies and white blood cells could be produced that they had continuous infections, particularly sore throats, or acute pharyngitis; and when vaccinated for tetanus, typhoid, and polio, showed no increase in antibody production. When stress has not harmed the adrenal or lymph glands too severely, giving 40 milligrams of vitamin B6 to persons with infections increased both the white blood count and the antibody production within three hours. Recovery was slow, however, even when such huge amounts as 4,000 and 600 milligrams of pantothenic acid and vitamin B6 respectively were given daily to volunteers who had been deficient in these vitamins for several weeks. In fact, 17 out of 18 patients lacking vitamin B6 showed an “absolute decrease” in white blood cells in five days.

A diet under supplied with vitamins B1, B2, folic acid, biotin, or niacin inhibits the production of antibodies, white blood cells, and the complement, though less severely than when pantothenic acid or vitamin B6 is limited. A lack of any of these vitamins also prevents the body’s defenses from being stimulated when antitoxins and other forms of immunization are given.

How Stress Affects Health

Friday, April 2nd, 2010 No Commented
Under: Mental health

Stress is a person’s physical response to the changes requiring adjustments. This covers physical, mental, emotional and psychological reactions. Stressful situations can cause the brain to strain allowing it in a mode of flight or fight. Flight is when the person escapes the situations that cause stress or fights to face them. However, stress enables humans to give quick spontaneous responses.

The ‘flight or fight’ mode is pushed by stress hormones. Some of these hormones are dorpamine, adrenalin, nonadrenalin, endorphins and cortisol. These hormones cause a surge of energy in the body when pumped into the blood stream. Then the body reacts to a given situation with the help of hormones.

The mentioned hormones are also responsible for increasing the speed of heart rate, brain activity, blood flow and breathing process of a person. It can also temporarily stop the digestion to preserve energy and encourage muscle tension.

Everyone is not aware that all kinds of stresses are not harmful or negative. A positive form of stress that makes people feel excited and happy is called Eustress. A small amount of stress can be helpful to the human in keeping the brain alert and making it perform better leading to better responses and reactions.

Stress is commonly known as harmful to the body. It can be harmful to a person when he eliminates everything that is related to slowing down even a little bit and relaxing. When a person works for long time, gets tensed and burns out the stress that comes out of it is harmful.

A lot of stress can hurt people. Low level symptoms include headaches and having a weak immune system that makes the body vulnerable to common diseases.

Chronic and severe stress can result in extensive damage. Chronic stress is considered as one of the main causes of health related problems nowadays. Research studies reveal that that chronic stress is associated with major causes of death. Hearth diseases and cancers are the major examples.

Other types of diseases can be caused by unwanted stress. Psychological problems such as anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorders and depression can be caused by stress. This has a deteriorating effect on the human health. Hypertension and high cholesterol are few examples that may lead to digestive ulcers, diabetes, obesity and strokes.

Relationships can be ruined by stress and it can even cause aggression or sexual dysfunction. This causes a person to function illogically and less as a social being.

Stress can also be linked to substance abuse. Research shows that a number of people using prohibited drugs, tobacco and alcohol increase their stress levels. These substances are not helpful in curing stress but they may be temporary consolations that result in long term destruction.