Canadian Health and Care Mall: Living in Tune

Tuesday, December 23rd, 2014 No Commented Categorized Under: Canadian Health and Care Mall, Health care


Just as dreams are legendary in their power to heal, so is music, which is the next and final part of the Undoing process. In the Old Testament and the I Ching, music was considered inspirational, sacred, and healing. The Greek philosopher Democritus wrote about the curative powers that emanate from the music of a simple flute. Indigenous cultures throughout the world have always used music to express the range of human emotion as well as mark rites and passages in a person’s life. Today, music still flourishes. The forms are endless: jazz, rock, rap, rhythm and blues, show tunes, folk, classical, liturgical, orchestral, operatic, and so on.

In The Mozart Effect, Don Campbell calls music the “common tongue’’ of the modern world and tells us it can replace costly medical treatments. This is not as far-fetched as it seems. Campbell’s own experience with healing a blood clot in his brain is part of some convincing proof he brings to bear. It’s nothing new to hear that “music hath charms that soothe….” It can also energize, excite, inflame, rejuvenate, and cleanse us; it inspires love, compassion, and faith. From Brahms’s “Lullaby’’ to the Rolling Stones’ “You Can’t Always Get What You Want,” music moves us in ways that words can never express. Talking about our disappointment, loneliness, or grief helps us vent, but it rarely gets us beyond our trouble, while the experience of listening to, playing, or creating music is genuinely therapeutic.



Long before music was used as entertainment, it was used as a source of healing. Like your dreams and imagery, music embodies feelings and beliefs; moods, hopes, fears, and possibilities. When music speaks to you through a specific lyric or sound, it becomes part of you and infuses you with its power to illuminate and heal.

Create Your Own Top Twenty

Using music as a healing technique goes beyond just turning on the radio or slipping in your favorite CD and getting lost inside the sound pouring out of the speakers. When you listen to music as a reflection of where you are and what you are feeling in your life, it becomes an active, creative process. When you resonate with a particular piece, the next possibility is to tape it and to make it a part of your healing practice. To create your own top twenty, you may:

  • Use pieces that you already know and love, that may already be a part of your music collection.
  • Use music you find by listening to the radio or any other available source.
  • Compose your own music and/or lyrics (or you may also compose lyrics for existing music).
  • Listen to the tape you have made and make it a part of your life. Sing, dance, walk, run, cry, and laugh with it. Let it draw out your current feelings and open you up to new ones.

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It’s difficult enough to change your backhand in tennis, to start a new job, or just to negotiate a parallel parking space. Here you are being asked to Undo the way you think. Such a turn of mind is not for the faint of heart. When Marilyn, a thirty-three-year-old mother of twin girls, reached this point in the program, she likened it to giving birth — specifically to that moment during labor when she decided it was time to go home. “This was more than I had bargained for,” she said. “It was too much pain, too scary. I wanted to stop. Then maybe I would come back and try again when I felt rested and more in the mood. Getting to this place in the work felt the same,” she said. “It was like giving birth all over again — not to a baby, but to a new way of living life. And I had no idea of how it would turn out or if I could really do it.”

The stress Marilyn felt and that you may be feeling now is not the stress that we associate with exhaustion, helplessness, hopelessness, depressed immunity, and disease. It is, in fact, something known as “eustress” or good stress — stress that’s beneficial, that strengthens your immune system and physiology. By choosing not to retreat and to go on to Now Act, you get the chance to put into action much of what you have already learned. We shape and heal ourselves — our minds, our souls, our spirit — by taking action in the everyday world. Mere contemplation won’t do it for us. Through suggestions, exercises, and examples, chapter 8 provides the tools and opportunity to make that leap and to create a transformation in your health and in all areas of your life.

The Essentials of Undoing

  1. Play with opposites. Reverse what you ordinarily think and do. Even if it feels uncomfortable, think, say, and do the opposite. If you habitually defer, take over; if you usually fault yourself, give yourself credit; if you are quiet as a mouse, roar like a lion.
  2. Turn toward your difficulty. Undo your impulse to label events, feelings, symptoms, and so forth as “bad.” See what comes up for you as a challenge or opportunity instead of as a problem, and embrace it.
  3. Value the shocks. Stop complaining about them. They can actually make you stronger and help you to grow.
  4. Heal the past through the processes of imagery, writing, and dream work. Releasing grief, sadness, resentment, and anger makes room for joy. It’s good mind medicine for the lungs.
  5. Live in tune. Use the power of music to attune yourself to life, to generate joy, and to support your body’s natural healing power.

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Women`s Menstrual Cycle Measurements

Tuesday, December 16th, 2014 No Commented Categorized Under: Medicine, Women's health

Participant Characteristics

Participants completed a menstrual cycle history, asthma history (abridged European Community Respiratory Health Survey), and asthma control questionnaire (ACQ) at baseline. AHR was measured as the provocative concentration of methacholine causing a 20% fall in FEV1 (PC20). Skin-prick tests (SPTs) were completed for 12 aeroallergens plus saline solution and histamine controls (Omega Hollister-Stier Laboratories; Mississauga, ON, Canada). The three allergens producing the largest wheal sizes in each individual participant were used for all subsequent SPTs in that participant.

Menstrual Cycle Measurements

Women`s Menstrual Cycle

After the baseline visit, participants were seen daily from the start of a menstrual cycle (day 1 of menstruation) to the fourth day of menstruation of the next cycle. The data collection methods were identical for the OC and non-OC groups. On each day, a modified ACQ was recorded, salivary samples (passive drool technique) were obtained for the measurement of sex hormone levels, eNO levels were measured (NIOX Mino; Aerocrine Inc; New York, NY), and spirometry (Koko Legend; Ferraris Respiratory; Louisville, CO) was performed to American Thoracic Society standards. Histamine, saline solution, and the three individually selected allergens were assessed with SPT on alternate days (Table E1 in the online supplement).

Levels of 17p-estradiol and progesterone in saliva were measured in duplicate or triplicate by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (Salimetrics LLC; State College, PA). Skin allergen responses, measured at 15-min intervals, were outlined in pen and tape-transferred to paper. A blinded investigator measured wheal and flare, recording the maximum diameter and its midpoint perpendicular, and corrected for any response to the negative control. The mean of the two diameters was used in this analysis. (See the online supplement for choice of measurement tools.)

Statistical Analysis

Linear regression (Prais-Winsten regression for the repeated measures data and ordinary least squares regression for nonrepeated data) and x2 analyses were used to examine differences between participants using and not using OC.

Abbreviations: ACQ = asthma control questionnaire; AHR = airway hyperresponsiveness; eNO = exhaled nitric oxide; ICS = inhaled corticosteroid; iNOS = inducible nitric oxide synthase; OC = oral contraception; PC20 = provocative concentration of methacholine causing a 20% fall in FEV1; ppb = parts per billion; SPT = skin-prick test

New data elucidate the mechanisms by which estrogen and progesterone influence asthma in women. Among 792 women in the United Kingdom, ED visits for the treatment of acute asthma were more common during the preovulatory (follicular) and perimenstrual phases of the menstrual cycle. In one study, airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR) to adenosine monophosphate increased in the luteal phase, during which both estrogen and progesterone levels increase, compared with the follicular phase (low estrogen and progesterone), but the individual contributions of estrogen and progesterone were not addressed, and the clinical relevance was not apparent. (See the online supplement for an expanded description of the menstrual cycle.) In another study that reported increased allergen wheal size during the late follicular phase of the menstrual cycle, hormone levels were not measured. Viagra Australia by ViagraAustraliaAu.Com. asthma in women

Studies have demonstrated a role for both exogenous estrogen and progesterone in the management of perimenstrual asthma. In a prospective study of 192 postpubertal women with asthma, the 106 women using oral contraception (OC) had reduced asthma symptoms compared with those not using OC. Women given exogenous sex hormones (estrogen, progesterone, and estrogen with progesterone) noted reduced symptoms, improved pulmonary function, and improved asthma control. It is unclear from these studies whether exogenous estrogen or progesterone influences atopy, airway inflammation, or both.

Experimental work supports the effects of both estrogen and progesterone in asthma patients. Estrogen, at physiologic concentrations, prevents cholinergic-induced tracheal ring constriction by activating the nitric oxide-cyclic guanosine monophosphate-protein kinase pathway. Estrogen receptor-a knockout mice exhibit increased AHR to methacholine after allergen sensitization and challenge.

Type 2 diabetes and other

Thursday, December 4th, 2014 No Commented Categorized Under: Diabetes


I have just been in hospital with anaphylactic shock from a bee sting. I have diabetes controlled with tablets and wondered if this had anything to do with the severity of my reaction?

There is no connection between diabetes and allergy to bees.

My husband is on tablets for diabetes and normally has good control. He is prone to chest infections and these seem to upset his blood sugars. What should he do?

This can be a really difficult problem. Of course if your husband is ill enough to need hospital admission, he should be given insulin while his sugars are running high. At home, this is not as simple because there is no way of knowing what dose of insulin he may require, and an inadequate dose of insulin may even make matters worse. In a perfect world he would have insulin for the duration of his illness but in reality it is acceptable for him to run high sugars for a day or so, in the expectation that they will soon settle down spontaneously. In a longer-lasting illness, he will need insulin if the sugars are consistently high and there will be time to adjust the insulin dose in response to the blood glucose measurements.

Chest infections and asthma are often treated with steroids, which can cause a major rise in the blood glucose.

Since I was told I have Type 2 diabetes, I have been very depressed. Is there any link between depression and diabetes?

People vary greatly in their response to learning that they have diabetes; some are able to adjust to their new condition easily, while others find it hard to accept. We wonder what input you have received from your doctor or nurse to help you cope with this unpleasant news. We often hear of people who are told they have diabetes in a matter-of-fact way, and then see the practice nurse who gives them basic information about diabetes, sometimes backed up with some reading material. However, they leave the session feeling that their own fears and concerns have not been addressed. Such people often become angry and get the impression they have been responsible for their own diabetes. These negative emotions often cause depression and a belief that they can do nothing to improve the situation.

We support the DESMOND approach where a group of people recently diagnosed with diabetes meet with an educator who is trained to listen as well as to teach. In the opening session, people are invited to tell their own story and this leads to a feeling of solidarity within the group. After learning basic facts about food and diabetes, including the effect this may have on their future health, members of the group are encouraged to set their own goals for improving their health. When first diagnosed with diabetes, it is often difficult to work out whether the condition is serious or trivial. The DESMOND process helps people get diabetes into perspective and allows them to make informed lifestyle choices regarding food and exercise. It also provides the reassurance of meeting other people with diabetes, who are living through the same difficult experience. Other centres have developed education programmes along similar lines to DESMOND.

Plasma levels of orexin-A and BMI in the present study

Tuesday, December 2nd, 2014 No Commented Categorized Under: Main

Canadian health and care mall

It has yet to be determined whether plasma and CSF levels of orexin-A correlate with each other, and whether plasma orexin-A levels are regulated by a negative feedback system of the arousal response. Reduced levels of orexin-A in the CSF and a substantial reduction in the number of orexin neurons, specifically in the hypothalamus, have been reported in narcoleptic patients. Combined with the lower levels of plasma orexin-A observed in narcoleptic patients, plasma levels of orexin-A may represent changes in the number or activity of orexin neurons in the CNS. It is possible that the regulation of plasma orexin-A levels differs between narcoleptic patients and patients with OSAHS. In the present study, we acknowledge one important limitation, namely, we did not obtain CSF samples from our patients to measure the levels of orexin-A. However, the correlation of plasma orexin-A levels and the severity of OSAHS, and the simplicity of specimen collection may support the usefulness of plasma orexin-A as a biological marker of OSAHS health care store.

No significant correlation was observed between plasma levels of orexin-A and BMI in the present study. However, Adam et al reported that plasma orexin-A levels correlated negatively with BMI and that lower levels of plasma orexin-A are present in obese individuals, suggesting that orexin is involved in the regulation of human energy metabolism. In addition to their potent effects on appetite, orexins may interact with the CNS system, controlling sympathetic outflow and cardiovascular function. Orexin-A, when injected into the lateral cerebroven-tricle, induced an increase of mean arterial pressure and heart rate in conscious rats. The effects of orexin peptides have been uniformly reported as excitatory, and orexin neurons project to monoamin-ergic cell groups. These findings may explain the relation between underlying narcolepsy symptomatology and orexin deficiency canadian healthcare. The posterior hypothalamus containing orexin neurons has been implicated in arousal state control. The projection from orexin neurons to monoaminergic cell groups, which include histaminergic, serotonergic, and noradrenergic cells, could be related to arousal-state regulation, while monoaminergic neurons inhibit the REM-activated neurons in the cholinergic nucleus. Therefore, it is probable that the orexin system may have a neuromodulatory effect on arousal states. Given the putative role of orexin in sleep-wakefulness function, increased orexin transmission, reflected as increased plasma orexin-A levels, may affect the arousal response in patients with OSAHS.

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J-Medicalinfo: Asthma and Influenza Vaccination

Thursday, November 27th, 2014 No Commented Categorized Under: Asthma

The results from this study indicate that only about one in three people with asthma are receiving influenza vaccinations. This vaccination rate has changed little from 1999 through 2001. These results suggest that recommendations to vaccinate adults with asthma are not being met. In particular, younger people with asthma are not being vaccinated against influenza. Only approximately one in five people with asthma aged 18 to 49 years reported having received such a vaccination. Influenza Vaccination

Respiratory infections, including influenza, can cause serious morbidity in people with asthma. Some evidence suggests that people with asthma may be more likely to experience influenza-associated morbidity than people who do not have asthma. For example, during periods when influenza virus was the predominant circulating upper respiratory virus, hospitalization rates for acute respiratory infections among children with asthma were much higher than those among children without a high-risk condition.

These considerations taken together with the fact that inactivated influenza vaccine has been shown to be both clinically effective and cost-effective—albeit not necessarily based on studies of participants with asthma—suggest that people with asthma could benefit considerably from receiving an influenza vaccine. Yet, a review of nine randomized trials noted that the benefits and risks of vaccination for patients with asthma were inconclu-sive.

All but three trials had sample sizes < 100 participants. In these trials, both early and late outcomes (mortality, hospital admission, pneumonia, asthma symptom scores, lung function measurements, medical visits, number of rescue courses of corticosteroids) were examined. The authors called for additional trials of sufficient size to study the question of the benefits and adverse effects of influenza vaccination in people with asthma. Questions about the short-term safety of the vaccine among people with asthma may have been answered by a large, randomized trial of children and adults with asthma that was published after the review.

In this trial, the administration of inactivated influenza vaccine did not affect the frequency of exacerbations of asthma during the 2 weeks following the vaccination. The cost-effectiveness of annually vaccinating all eligible people with asthma is unknown. The Healthy People 2010 objectives call for 90% of noninstitutionalized adults aged > 65 years and 60% of noninstitutionalized high-risk adults aged 18 to 64 years to receive an annual influenza vaccina-tion. People with asthma are included in the high-risk designation. The NHIS data show that 20.9 to 22.7% of asthmatic participants aged 18 to 49 years, 42.3 to 47.8% of asthmatic participants aged 50 to 64 years, and 64.8 to 72.8% of asthmatic participants aged > 65 years received a vaccination from 1999 to 2001.

Empty Harvest

Tuesday, November 25th, 2014 No Commented Categorized Under: Health care


Commercial farmers in the United States sprayed over 1.1 billion pounds — 2% of the world’s total pesticides — in 2007. There are 21,000 pesticide products containing 860 active ingredients. All are designed to kill living organisms, which is why the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) prohibits claims that these chemicals are safe or nontoxic. The top ten pesticides applied in the agricultural market are glyphosate, atrazine, metolachlor-s, acetochlor, 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and pendimethalin, plus the fumigants, metam sodium, dichloropropene, methyl bromide and chloropicrin. POISONS IN THE SOIL

These are neurotoxic and known to cause cancer, birth defects, reproductive anomalies, liver and kidney damage and even death. They also cause developmental and behavioral abnormalities as well as hormone and immune dysfunctions. The most documented pesticide is Agent Orange, a defoliant sprayed during the Vietnam War. Over 4.8 million Vietnamese were exposed to it leading to 400,000 deaths and disabilities, and half a million children born with birth defects. Monsanto is one of the manufacturers of Agent Orange, glyphosate and other herbicides.

Despite the toxicity of our farmlands, hope exists when we choose to consume foods grown organically and work with a holistic health care practitioner. A colleague of mine who is a licensed acupuncturist in Monterey County, CA, helped a 20-year-old man whose psychiatrist had diagnosed with bipolar disorder and prescribed an atypical antipsychotic drug for the management of symptoms. During my colleague’s nutritional evaluation of the man, he discovered he had organophosphate toxicity impacting his fore-brain, cerebrospinal fluid, thyroid and adrenal glands. His mother reported when he was ten, his father had him help apply pesticides for hours.

She remembered the incident vividly because he was hurrying to finish spraying so that he could attend a birthday party. Instead, syncopy, nausea and tremors sent him to the emergency room. The pesticides continued to impact this boy’s life for over ten years. His reported “behavioral problems”, including a brief brush with gang association, can perhaps be traced, in part, to that day. Fortunately, the acupuncturist provided an individualized nutritional program, including Dr. Lee’s whole food concentrates to support his parotid, liver and adrenal glands. In just six months, he had detoxified the organophosphates out of his body, his bipolar symptoms disappeared, and his psychiatrist removed the bipolar medications from his program. He and his family are very excited about how whole food nutrition has helped him start a new life, healthy and un-medicated. Each and every one of us can live such a life.

The food you eat

Friday, November 21st, 2014 No Commented Categorized Under: All About Food


Where does your food come from? Do your research. If it’s Costco, look at all labels and contact the growers to see if you can inspect their growing operations to ensure they are not adding any unsafe chemicals. Unfortunately, many grocery chains now carry frozen vegetables labeled “organic” from China. How can you know whether the vegetables are truly raised organically? Only by knowing your farmer personally.

Take a trip to Wisconsin, visit the farmers, inspect their seeds, grab a handful of the farm’s organism-rich soil and you’ll truly know what it means to eat organically. If you cannot visit Wisconsin, look for your nearest farmer’s market. Every week, you can find many local organic growers who sell fresh harvests of vegetables and fruits in Canadian Health Care Mall. At these local markets, the farmers are happy to build a long lasting relationship with you and willingly talk about their organic farming methods. Many of their vegetables and fruits are handpicked the same morning, which ensures their nutritive value because they were allowed to ripen fully on the vine or tree.


During my sophomore year at U.C. Berkeley, I worked as a waiter in a sushi restaurant. I was instructed to become familiar with all of the restaurant’s offerings. Within three weeks, I had memorized all the dishes and could handle customer questions with confidence. But one Friday evening, a customer asked, “How fresh is the fish?”

I did not know how to answer, so I politely excused myself and asked the head chef.

“Very fresh!” he yelled out.

I returned to the customer’s table and informed him that the fish was “Very fresh!” I’m not sure he knew what that meant but he was satisfied.

The following day, I arrived earlier than normal and was shocked to find a new shipment of fish lying on the kitchen floor, frozen. “Really? Frozen fish is considered fresh?” After the fish thawed out, my manager conducted the most sophisticated test I have ever seen to ensure the fish was safe for human consumption Canadian Pharmacy viagra. He put his face next to the fish and took a sniff — the same method I used during college to determine whether a shirt could be worn in public for one more day or be put in the wash due to a traceable odor.

As consumers, we are not aware of the origin of the fish we order in a restaurant. We do not know if it swam in waters polluted with radioactive iodine isotopes from Fukushima, was injected with hormones, fed antibiotics, exposed to environmental toxins during transport or how long it has been dead or frozen. So much is unknown about the foods in restaurants in Canada.

Every raw, whole food-based concentrate produced by Dr. Lee has been tested to be safer than anything you purchase at supermarkets or restaurants. At his farm, Dr. Lee instituted an advanced system of inspecting all ingredients for heavy metals, pathogens, chemicals and other harmful substances. Every ingredient is subjected to six to fifteen tests to ensure the foods contained in Dr. Lee’s formulas are safer than the fish you eat at your favorite local restaurant. In fact, they blow the sniff test out of the water.

Blood Glucose Testing

Thursday, November 20th, 2014 No Commented Categorized Under: Critical Care


There are a bewildering number of strips and meters on the market. Which are the best to use?

A few years ago most people were using strips without a meter. This required performing a complicated procedure in order to obtain an accurate blood glucose result. Now in the UK you can only use a strip with a meter. The meters are very similar in terms of reliability and performance. There are small differences, for example the amount of blood required to perform a test or the time it takes for the meter to produce the results. Nearly all the meters can be downloaded onto a PC and software is usually available free from the manufacturers.  BLOOD GLUCOSE

Blood testing is not just about doing the test but making sense of the results. Your healthcare professional will show you how to use your meter, and you will need further time to discuss your results and what you might need to change in order to achieve the levels you want.

Blood glucose testing strips are available on prescription from your GP. The meters are quite inexpensive and may be available free from your diabetes nurse.

I have recently started testing my blood sugar levels but my results do not compare well with the clinic results. What is the reason for this?

It is not clear if your blood sugar results are being compared with blood sugar tests at the hospital or with another test known as the HbA1c, glycosylated haemoglobin or long-term test. The HbA1c is usually measured only once or twice a year. The test measures the amount of glucose that has attached itself to the red blood cells, throughout their 2-3 month life span (see section Haemoglobin Ale later in this chapter). Research tells us that to avoid complications of diabetes the HbA1c should be under 7.5%. The HbA1c is often described as an average of blood sugar levels but strictly speaking it is not an average. For example, if your HbA1c is 12% your blood sugar levels are likely to be averaging around 19 mmol/L. When you perform a blood sugar test at home you are measuring the result as it is at that minute in time. Two hours later it could be much lower or much higher. The HbA1c is not measuring the highs and lows but what has accumulated in the previous two to three months.

In summary, it is possible that your home blood glucose tests are being compared with the HbA1c which is a different kind of test. Alternatively, the blood is being tested at a different time or on a different blood testing machine, which can cause a variation in results.

Fats it`s your Life?

Wednesday, November 19th, 2014 No Commented Categorized Under: Food, Health care

Food for Thought: Fatty acids are classified as saturated, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated. A saturated fatty acid contains a hydrogen atom at all available carbon bonds, which makes them highly stable. Your body makes saturated fatty acids and they are found higher in animal fats and tropical oils. Polyunsaturated fatty acids have two or more pairs of double bonds and, therefore, lack four or more hydrogen atoms. Polyunsaturated fatty acids include omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids, the omega number indicating the position of the first double bond. Monounsaturated fatty acids like omega-9 and omega-7, lack two hydrogen atoms. Fats

The polyunsaturated fatty acids, linoleic acid and alpha-linolenic acid, are considered essential fatty acids (EFA) because the body cannot produce them, so we must consume them from whole foods, like nuts, seeds and vegetables. Both of these must be converted in our bodies into longer chain fatty acids to serve a beneficial biological function. Alpha-linolenic acid converts into docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and prostaglandin E3 (PG-E3). Between 50-60% of the dry weight of the adult brain is lipid, and 1/3 of these lipids are mostly DHA. Unfortunately, many of us are deficient in the nutrients and minerals required to convert linoleic and alpha-linolenic acids into the longer chain fatty acids. Tuna, krill, cala-mari, cod and many other fish and animals that eat alpha-linolenic acid containing foods will produce DHA, EPA and PG-E3. When we eat whole animal foods, we receive these longer chained polyunsaturated fatty acids and can benefit from them immediately, rather than rely on our own body’s resources and enzymes to produce them. While linoleic and alpha-linolenic acid are considered essential, it is more suitable for people who are clinically undernourished to eat both animal and plant sourced fats and oils.

The main differentiating factor between a fat and oil is the temperature that it becomes a solid (fat) or a liquid (oil). Animal fats such as butter, lard and tallow contain 40-60% saturated fat and are solid at room temperature. Vegetable oils, such as olive and peanut oil from northern climates, contain a majority of polyunsaturated fatty acids and are liquid at room temperature. Vegetable oils from the tropics, such as coconut and palm oil, are highly saturated. Coconut oil is liquid in the warmer tropics, but hard as butter in cooler locations. Plants must maintain additional stiffness in the hot climates of the tropics, so they naturally produce an increased proportion of saturated fatty acids.

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Medical News: Contraception and Pregnancy

Wednesday, November 12th, 2014 No Commented Categorized Under: Sexual Health


I have become pregnant and really don’t want a baby at the moment. Is diabetes grounds for termination of pregnancy? Contraception

No, not unless your doctor considers that the pregnancy would be detrimental to your health, which may sometimes be the case if you have complications of diabetes. If you do not have any complications the reasons for termination of pregnancy apply equally to women with and without diabetes.

I am going into hospital for an abortion. I am worried that the doctors might not do it as I have diabetes. Should I have told someone?

There is no added hazard for women with diabetes who undergo termination of pregnancy, and care of the diabetes during this operation does not raise any special difficulties. It is still important to tell your gynaecologist that you have diabetes so that good control can be maintained during this time.


I have recently got married and my wife and I are keen to start a family. Are people with diabetes more likely to be infertile?

There is nothing to suggest that men with diabetes are any less fertile than men who do not have diabetes and in general this is also true for women. However, women with consistently high blood glucose readings may find it more difficult to conceive. This may be a good thing as there is sound evidence to show that the outcome of pregnancy is much worse in women who conceive when their control is poor.

I have been trying for a baby for years and we have now decided to go for fertility counselling and possible treatment. Can people with diabetes expect the same treatment for infertility as people without?

Yes. As mentioned in the previous question, diabetes is rarely the cause of infertility. If control is anything other than excellent, improving control, aiming for an HbA1c of less than 7.5% should be the first goal. Referral to an infertility expert is the next step but good control would be necessary before treatment could be started.

I have told that I have PCOS and my doctor says this might make it difficult for me to conceive and also puts me at risk of developing diabetes. Could you explain this.

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a condition in which the ovaries have multiple small cysts that interfere with function and may upset the normal hormone balance, causing irregular periods. This can lead to reduced fertility. PCOS is often associated with being overweight and can lead to an increase in body hair. It is also linked with insulin resistance and an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes. There are a number of possible treatments but in the past few years, metformin has been identified as an effective treatment which may increase fertility and reduce body hair.

Ten Nocebo Beliefs About Asthma

Tuesday, November 11th, 2014 No Commented Categorized Under: Asthma

Members of the Committee

A: The Awfulizer makes everything worse than it is — much worse.

B: The Blamer blames you and others for the events and circumstances of your life.

Cd: The Concluder jumps to habitual and safe conclusions. Nocebo Beliefs

Cm: The Comparer elevates or devalues your worth.

J: The Judge judges right from wrong; good from bad; normal from abnormal.

N: The Namer labels people, events, and diseases.

Sh: The Shamer instills embarrassment, guilt, and fault.

Sk: The Skeptic makes you doubt your own experience.

St: The Storyteller comments knowingly on the future or the past.

V: The Victimizer makes you the injured party, by your own hand or another’s.

The Storyteller says, “I’ll never be happy because I have asthma.’’ This is an evil fairy tale about the future. How do we know what will happen? The Namer labels this collection of physical sensations an illness called asthma. The Awfulizer makes the smallest sign of illness into a catastrophe, thus isolating you from a healthy and normal life. Saying “I have asthma because my father has it” is the Blamer’s way of assigning responsibility to someone else. The Concluder decides that there is no escape, ever, since asthma is “genetic.” This allows the Victimizer to get right to its task of insisting that you are and always will be a victim. The belief that “It’s better not to have sex since it might induce an asthma attack” gives the Judge power to determine right from wrong and to limit your pleasure. The Comparer weighs the merit of your actions. The Shamer makes you feel guilty for wanting to enjoy yourself. The Skeptic believes “Asthma limits where I can go and what I can do,” thus denying the possibility that you can do exactly what you want.

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With the help of the Committee, these beliefs become our mental children and manipulate us with their constant demands for attention. When you Focus on and separate yourself from such beliefs, you create a space of freedom. This thwarts the Committee, which counts on your enslavement to limiting beliefs for its survival.


The fourth step of the twelve-step program of Alcoholics Anonymous involves doing a moral inventory, which means that you admit (and actually list) your liabilities and look squarely at the unhappiness you have created for others and yourself. The program proposes that by uncovering your “emotional deformities” you move toward correcting them; without this you can’t experience genuine sobriety or contentment. Even though alcoholism is considered by many to be a disease rather than just a habit, Alcoholics Anonymous advises that to reach sobriety, you must take responsibility for your illness. To do this, you first look inward to determine the beliefs, desires, and thoughts that govern your actions.

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Research Canadian pharmacy: illnesses associated with diabetes

Monday, November 10th, 2014 No Commented Categorized Under: Research

Global Canadian Pharmacy: Other illnesses associated with diabetes

I have recently had a severe cough and cold and have been given ‘diabetic’ cough medicine by the doctor. Since then my blood glucose has been very high. Could this be due to the medicine? illnesses associated with diabetes

Antibiotic syrup and cough linctus are often blamed for making diabetes worse during an illness such as flu or a chest infection. In fact a dose of antibiotic syrup only contains about 5 g of sugar and will have very little effect on your blood glucose. It is the illness itself that unbalances the diabetes. In general, medication from your doctor will not upset your diabetes.

Any infection or serious illness will cause a rise in blood glucose and it is important to test your blood if you feel unwell. If you are taking insulin you will probably need to increase the dose during the illness and it is very important to continue regular insulin injections even if you are not eating. If you are vomiting and unable to keep fluids down you will need hospital admission for intravenous fluids. Vomiting can sometimes be a sign of ketoacidosis, which may be fatal if untreated.

The rules for illness are:

  • Test blood at least four times a day;
  • If tests are high take extra doses of short-acting insulin;
  • If the tests are low, take a sugary drink such as Lucozade to treat the hypo;
  • Never stop insulin.

It is of course possible to get over a bad cold by carrying on with your normal dose of insulin and accepting bad control for a few days. However, this means that your mouth and nose will be slightly dehydrated and it may take longer before you feel back to normal. You will probably feel better more quickly if you adjust your insulin and try to keep the blood glucose near normal.

I have noticed that I suffer from more colds since developing diabetes. Could this be due to the diabetes? – canadian health care mall twitter.

Many people make this observation, but there is no real reason why the common cold should be more common in diabetes. However, a relatively minor cold may upset your diabetes control and lead to several extra days of feeling unwell (see previous question). This may make it a more memorable event. To repeat the previous advice, never stop insulin.

What is the best treatment for someone suffering from hay fever? I understand that some products can cause drowsiness, which could affect my balance and be confused with a hypo.

You can use exactly the same treatment for your hay fever as people without diabetes, as it does not affect your control. Antihistamines are often used for hay fever and these may make you feel sleepy, but this should be easy to distinguish from a hypo. Remember that, if you are on antihistamines, you should be very cautious about drinking alcohol. Hay fever can also be alleviated by using a nasal spray to reduce the sensitivity of the membranes in the nose.

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